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new barryallen-imagedownloader-sim2
The new version based on barryallen 7.1.3
-the new version is lesser size(2MB)
-imagedownloader plugin included and new item added to mb-Images menu (download image to mb_images) and from barryallen will able to download image directly and install to multiboot
The backup taken by this version for openpli and variants is not working in flash
DOWNLOAD - enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen-imagedownloader_sim2-oe1.6-1.0_all.ipk
for installation the file from tmp you should use this command (the plugin will not installed correctly without -force-overwrite option)
opkg install -force-overwrite /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen-imagedownloader_sim2-oe1.6-1.0_all.ipk
or install directly from TSpanel-sim2 addons-sim2-barryallen or from other TS